01604 766 355
07810 318 884



When running a small business, meeting your statutory accounting responsibilities can be hard work.
It can take you away from the important task of running and growing your company. This is where
we can help. Our accountancy service for limited companies includes both technical reports to
ensure you meet your statutory obligations and advice on financial planning within your business.
All the necessary financial information is prepared and submitted within the agreed timescales and deadlines.

Accounting Services and Tax Accounts

At The Hyams Group, we are keen on understanding your business and playing a proactive role in helping it
to grow. Our people are bright, pragmatic and experienced. We see the connections among
different parts of your business: sales, VAT, corporation tax, stock control, and debtors.
The Hyams Group provides comprehensive tax advice as well as practical support in the structuring
of tax arrangements to reduce the related costs and ensure all the regulatory requirements are fulfilled.

Our SME accountancy service includes the following:

  • Preparation of accounts to enable you to complete your self-assessment tax return with HMRC and submit it online;
  • VAT returns;
  • Payroll & CIS;
  • Statutory financial statements including abbreviated accounts;
  • CT600 Corporation Tax Return;
  • Identifying areas within your business to make financial improvements;
  • Looking at budgeting, cash flow, and forecasting;
  • Explaining and discussing your accounts to enable you to plan;
  • Providing advice and guidance on measuring your financial performance against your goals
    and discussing the actions you need to take;
  • Advice on bookkeeping.

If you’d like to find out more about running your business as a sole trader and make sure it operates
on a good footing, then call us on 01604 766 355.



The monthly grind of keeping your books up to date, whether you’re registered for VAT or not, can
drain you. Running a small enterprise means that you have to carry out many different duties, so it
makes sense to get specialists involved who can take the burden off certain administrative
tasks. This is where we can help.

At The Hyams Group, bookkeeping is what we do every day. We love it and we’re quick, efficient
and accurate. Our bookkeeping service includes the following:

  • Dropping off invoices, bank statements, etc.;
  • Processing paperwork;
  • Preparing:
    o VAT returns;
    o Payroll;
    o Bank reconciliation;
    o Customer-supplier control;
    o CIS reports.

If you are willing to find out more about bookkeeping for your business, call us on 01604 766 355.